
The fees quoted below correlate to the Lent 2025 term. There is also information below regarding childcare vouchers, prices for Pre-Prep Aftercare and Breakfast Club.

Pre-Prep Fees

Nursery (3-4 Years) to 1.10pm with lunch £3458 per term
Nursery (3-4 Years, Full-Time) £4610 per term
Pre-Prep (Reception to Year 2) £5025 per term

Pre-Prep fees include morning snacks, lunch, school from 8am until 3.30pm (or 1.10pm for part-time Nursery children).and tuition according to the standard timetable, the provision of most educational materials, textbooks, technology, scientific and sports equipment. From Reception, the fees also include weekly swimming lessons in the School’s 25-metre pool. 

Prep Fees

Prep (Year 3 to Year 6) £6059 per term

Prep fees include snacks, lunch, before and after school care from 8am to 5.45pm and tuition according to the standard timetable, swimming lessons, the provision of most educational materials, textbooks, a personal iPad and access to other technology, scientific and most sports equipment.

Family Discount

A 5% discount is offered to a second sibling, and 10% is offered to third and subsequent siblings whilst simultaneously attending the School. The discount will not apply to children on part-time nursery places (attendance until 1.10pm).

This discount will be automatically applied to your termly invoice.

Childcare Vouchers 

The School accepts the following for fees up to and including the term in which your child turns 5.

Our DfE number is 330/6070 in case you need this for the online forms.


  • Childcare Vouchers
  • Payment from the HMRC tax-free childcare scheme 

After this time, these payment methods will only be accepted for after school care and after school activities. This will be shown by an asterix on your fee invoice. 

The school also offers up to 15 hours of childcare funding for 3 and 4 year olds. This will automatically be shown on your termly invoice. You do not need to apply for this separately.

Apply to The Blue Coat School

A girl eating from a bowl in The Blue Coat School Dining Hall.

Breakfast Club

Available 7.30 – 8am Monday to Friday

£3 per day

Breakfast Club vouchers must be purchased in advance from Reception. Reception does not open until 8am so Breakfast Club cannot be booked on the day.

After Care for Nursery and Pre-Prep

Figures quoted below are per term and there are three terms in a school year.

After Care is available in three sessions between 3.30 and 5.45pm.

The first bookable session is 3.30 – 4.15pm; the second bookable session is 4.15 – 5pm and the third bookable session is 5 – 5.45pm. 

Aftercare must be booked in advance and you are required to book the same session(s) on the same day each week. 


1 day of 1 session (the same day and 45-minute session each week) £66 per term
5 days of 1 session (the same 45-minute session each weekday) £310 per term
Ad hoc sessions £20 per session subject to availability

If you require two or three 45-minute sessions each day, please multiply these figures accordingly. Similarly, if you require After Care for between 2 and 4 days per week, multiply the 1 day costs as required. 

For example, if you require After Care until 5pm (two 45-minute sessions per day) on Mondays and Tuesdays (two days per week), it would be £264 per term. 

School-approved childcare vouchers can be used to pay for Aftercare.

The School reserves the right to charge a late fee of £20 to parents of Pre-Prep children if they are collected from After Care after their booked session time has elapsed. 

More information about Aftercare

Acceptance Deposit

Upon receipt of a formal offer of a place, a £1,000 deposit is required to confirm your place. 50% of this deposit will be returned via a £500 deduction from your first school invoice. The remaining £500 deposit will be held until your child leaves the school. The full £1,000 is non-refundable if acceptance is withdrawn before your child starts the school.

Three girls, dressed in the Blue Coat School PE Kit, stand hugging each other facing the camera


The Blue Coat School has a bursary fund which supports up to 30 children at any one time. There are children benefiting from 100% fees discount, along with a number of smaller awards. Bursaries are means tested and will take into account things such as your total household income, equity, number of siblings etc.

Find out more about bursaries

Additional Information

The Blue Coat School requires a full term’s notice, in writing, of a parent’s intention to remove a child from the School. This must be received by the Headmaster, or or before, the first day of the term in which the child intends to leave. Failure to provide such notice will result in a full term’s fees being charged in lieu of notice.