Three words that are synonymous with our Queen are: steadfast, constant and dutiful. Her long life of service to our nation – refusing to be curtailed by increasing frailty in her 90s – is an example to us all. The Queen is a firm defender of the Christian faith. Believing in the importance of prayer in her daily life and understanding that Jesus was sent to earth to serve, not be served, again The Queen is a fine role model.
The National Anthem, ‘God Save the Queen’ contains the line: “long to reign over us” which is certainly apt. During special Jubilee Chapel Services for Prep and Pre-Prep, The Heads of School ably assisted Mr Neeson in outlining the many and varied achievements of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II during her incredible life – including serving as a mechanic during World War 2 – and about the moment she learnt of her father’s death while on holiday in Kenya. Little did she know then that all across her nation and Commonwealth, people would be celebrating her Platinum Jubilee, 70 years on.
The Chapel Choir beautifully sang a specially chosen anthem, In Our Service by Tom Hewitt Jones, the lyrics of which are inspired by speeches given by Her Majesty the Queen.
Throughout this week, our Nursery children have been using this exciting time of celebration to carry out some fantastic art activities. They have been busy designing and making their very own crowns using a variety of media and materials. I think you’ll agree that they all look very smart! The children have also been painting their own Union flags to decorate their classrooms and designing their own cards to send to the Queen to congratulate her.
Meanwhile in Reception, the children created flags for the jubilee and then worked in groups to create castles for the queen using different construction materials.
The whole school community – dressed in the patriotic red, white and blue – came together today in the sunshine to enjoy a delicious celebratory lunch, complete with a visit from the ice cream van! This will be a once in a lifetime event for us all, and the children will no doubt look back to this celebration in the years to come.
Do keep an eye out next week for exciting news linked to the River of Hope project – the artwork of a current Blue Coat pupil has been selected as one of only 200 pieces that will be printed onto silk flags and will be processed as part of The Queen’s Jubilee Pageant. What an incredible honour!