The Beast and the Bethany by Jack Meggitt-Phillips – Review by Elijah (3RB)
The book was about an orphaned girl and a beast she is trying to save herself from.Â
I don’t dislike anything about the book.
I would recommend it to you if you aren’t scared of beasts!
Danger is Everywhere by David O’Doherty – Review by Shivesh (5VF)
The book was about a person called Noel who is a ‘dangeroligist’ who stops people from getting into danger, although it is highly unlikely to happen. Noel said that on page nine of books a scorpion lurks trying to bite your nose. He also talked about toilet sharks.
I thought that this book was funny it had lots of magical and stupid things in it . I found this book very interesting because it makes me want to read on and it makes me laugh a lot.Â
I would recommend this book for people who like comedy and people who like to use their imagination. I think that most people who read this book will like it.
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett – Review by Valentina (5AG)
The book is about a young, kind girl called Sara Crewe and her dad who is very rich. Sara is always dressed in the finest materials and so is Emily (her doll). Sara though however rich or poor is always a princess inside, it’s just a bit harder when her dad dies of jungle fever and Sara is left as a pauper. But Sara is always cheerful which irritates Miss Minchin (the headmistress).Â
I enjoyed how her best friends are always loyal to her rich or poor.
I would recommend it to anyone who loves classics however if you don’t you should still try it.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J K Rowling – Review by Leela (5EW)Â
This book is about a boy called Harry who discovers a secret chamber hidden in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He meets Dobby the house elf and tells him that terrible things are happening at Hogwarts.
I like the descriptive language which J.K. Rowling uses. I also like the way she draws me into a different world of imagination. The thing that I really liked was when Harry and Ron discovered the chamber.Â
I would definitely recommend this book for people who like action, mystery and suspense. This book is a sequel to the first book – Philosopher’s Stone.
The Last Wild by Piers Torday – Review by Hannah (5NB)
This amazing book is about a twelve almost thirteen year old boy called Kester. He is a hero but he does not know it yet. He gets picked on a lot at his school called Spectrum Hall and it is a school for all the children whose parents have forgotten or left them or even died. Kester feels forgotten and like a waste of space until…(Wait and read the book to find out).
I love the fact that Kester is a mute that goes to a really strict school also I love the fact that the majority of the main characters are actually some of the most underestimated animals that most people actually hate and find creepy. Also, once he got punished for touching this animal.Â
I would totally recommend this this book to someone who wants to learn more about nature and people without parents. Also if you want a little bit of a change from ordinary books read a little bit of this book it will literally blow your mind.
Impossible Creatures by Katherine Rundell – Review by Jayden (6MT)Â
This book is about a girl who is immortal. At first, she does not know this. Therefore, there is a murderer right on her tail. She also buys several things that, unexpectedly, help her later in the book. In the end, the girl meets several people and at the end only one of the characters battle the final ‘boss’, but you will have to read the book if you want to know who it is!
I like how the author builds a lot of suspense on every page. Every word is interesting and the story goes straight into the action! Every word is interesting, including the chapter titles!Â
I would recommend this action, thriller book for all confident, independent readers!
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