Before School

Pre-Prep children can arrive from 8am ready to start their day at 8.30am. Before school care from 8am is included within your fees and children can be dropped off to their classroom.

A girl eating from a bowl in The Blue Coat School Dining Hall.


Available 7.30 – 8am Monday to Friday

For Reception to Year 6 

£3 per day

Breakfast Club vouchers must be purchased in advance from Reception. Reception does not open until 8am so Breakfast Club cannot be booked on the day.


After School

The School day finishes at 3.30pm for Pre-Prep, however, for busy and working parents, there is after school care available until 5.45pm.

A child looking up above a book about farm animals.


Children can play in our dedicated Aftercare space, fully equipped with fun toys, games and books. Children staying in Aftercare will receive sandwiches and a drink when they arrive. 


After school care is organised into three sessions and parents do not have to book the same sessions every day. You can book 1, 2 or 3 sessions per day depending on what time you need to collect your child. 


The three sessions are as follows: 3:30 – 4:15pm, 4:15 – 5pm and 5pm – 5:45pm.  

Aftercare Fees

A girl holding up a star stencil with yellow paint on it and the piece of paper in front of her contains six yellow painted stars.

After School Clubs

In addition to the Aftercare facility, there are a number of clubs available for Pre-Prep children after school subject to their age and availability. These include Create Club, Music Makers, LAMDA, Aston Villa FC, Spanish, gymnastics and much more. 


Clubs are charged for as an additional fee and are booked on an annual basis. 

How to Book

In the summer holidays preceding the start of the academic year, parents will receive an email with all of the available clubs for the upcoming school year. Once these forms have been returned, places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Children will only be able to join a club once the school year has started if there are spaces available. 

Similarly, Aftercare booking request forms will be sent during the summer holidays and confirmed ahead of the start of term. If you need to cancel Aftercare, you must give at least half a term’s notice. If your child cannot attend one session of Aftercare due to illness or another commitment, you will still be charged for the space. Please inform the Pre-Prep Office as soon as possible if your child will not be attending an Aftercare session. 

Ad hoc or last minute Aftercare sessions can be requested via the Pre-Prep Office on 0121 410 6886. The School will confirm if a place is available for the requested day.

Email the Pre-Prep Office