On Friday 17 June, Year 3 travelled to the Black Country Museum as part of the Victorians Humanities topic. Each group had the chance to follow the story of a Victorian child, visiting shops, the blacksmith, chapel and school as well as many other places too. There were a selection of different homes for the children to visit and understand how Victorians from all sections of society lived. Finding out about cockroach traps, Victorian medicines and watching the blacksmith forge a chain link really enthralled and engaged, bringing the Victorians topic to life. The highlight of the day was the visit to the Victorian school to experience a flavour of what it would have been like to attend school 150 years ago. Hands were inspected to see if they had been cleaned and children had to repeat the alphabet backwards (a real challenge), before learning about the punishments in Victorian schools. The trip enthused and motivated the children to learn even more during the final weeks of term.