Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies by Pamela Butchart
Review by Mila (3JO)
The book was about 4 school children who think that something fishy is going on with the new dinner lady. Everything is changing and they think that the new dinner lady has something to do with it. It starts with the weird food and drink and goes on to more peculiar things.
I like the book because you never know what is coming next.
I would recommend it to people that like mysterious funny books where you can dive into different worlds sitting under the covers of your bed laughing out loud.
My Friend Walter by Michael Morpurgo
Review by Benji (4ES)
Living with a ghost can have its difficulties, I discovered, even if he is your friend. (I took this from the blurb.) How will Bess explain her ancestor to her family, especially when he smokes cigars in her room and keeps stealing things… Bess is a normal 10 year old girl who meets the ghost of Sir Walter and it turns out he’s her ancestor! They meet at a family reunion. They become very good friends and keep Sir Walter’s old house running in the family.
I like the parts where Michael Morpurgo makes observations of things that you wouldn’t say in real life because they would be rude, for instance, “Dr Fredrick came in first thing next morning with more hair growing out of his ears than his head.”
I would recommend it to everyone for it is interesting and suspenseful.
The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q Rauf
Review by Ishvari (5LN)
A boy that is new to the school and gets bullied a lot. He has ran away from a war. He is good at football and can be a bit violent. He finally settled down but the bullies tricks and pranks kept on getting worse. But, one day the boy did something which meant that the bully barely did anything to him again. I like the fact that there is this teacher that has a really strange nose. I do not like that there are some people in the book that say that refugee people (like the new boy) should not be allowed into the country but I get that there are people like that in the world.
I would recommend this book and I would recommend it anyone that likes a bit of a fight and someone that would like to know what a really strange nose is.
The Catastrophic Friendship Fails of Lottie Brooks by Katie Kirby
Review by Freya (6MT)
This book is a teenage theme novel written by Katie Kirby; about a girl called ‘Lottie Brooks’ who has some moments in her life which are absolutely hilarious and full of joy. If you are feeling down one day you should read this it cheers you up a lot and after you read about one page trust me you won’t stop! It makes you feel like you are part of the group and feel part of the friendship. Lottie thinks her life is extremely embarrassing well I agree. This book is actually one of Lotties diary’s and are full of adventure and excitement.
I love that it is full of emotion and it is so funny to read and I enjoyed it loads!
I would 100% recommend this book to people who love fiction and who love finding out about people and also who have incredibly annoying siblings!!
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