Well, it’s official—winter is upon us, and our winter uniforms are making their grand entrance. The crisp mornings and darker evenings mean it’s time for those scarves, coats, and that inevitable search for a lost glove or two! But despite the chill, there’s been no hibernating here at BCS. Instead, we’ve had a week that is bursting with exciting historical journeys, musical marvels, and a touch of poetry to warm the heart.
Earlier this week, Year 3 travelled back to the Stone Age, and, no, I don’t mean they left their iPads at home. Our young historians swapped technology for tools as they learned how our ancient ancestors survived in a world without supermarkets or central heating. A personal highlight was having lunch with a few Year 3 girls who regaled me with tales of their exploits, including shooting (thankfully fake) arrows at posters of Stone Age animals. As they discovered, survival back then involved a lot of skill and creativity. Did you know, for example, that early Stone Age communities often created flint tools by chipping rocks together, sometimes taking days to fashion just one cutting edge? Talk about patience and precision!
The Year 3s immersed themselves in these experiences and emerged as little experts, brimming with knowledge. By the end of the day, they weren’t just learning—they were living the Stone Age!
Year 5, not to be outdone, donned their finest Anglo-Saxon garb and threw themselves into a day of discovering what life was like in those post-Roman, pre-Norman times. Clad in tunics and belts (no axes, though, thankfully), they tackled everything from writing in runes to weaving intricate patterns. The Anglo-Saxons, it turns out, were a rather sophisticated lot, leaving us with more than just a few odd words (like “butter” and “cake”—clearly the essentials!). They also gave us the foundations of local government and—most importantly—epic poetry. We wouldn’t have Beowulf without them!
Meanwhile, the halls were alive with the sound of music. Our Year 1 and 2 musicians wowed everyone during their recital, treating us to everything from Dussek to Rachmaninoff. It was an awe-inspiring display of talent, and I have to say, I was utterly floored by their poise and skill. Practice really does make perfect—so parents, please keep encouraging those daily violin, piano, or recorder sessions (even if they occasionally make the dog howl!). The sounds may be a little discordant now, but trust me, these young performers are on their way to greatness.
Continuing the musical theme, our School Orchestra packed up their instruments and headed to Rugby School for the Prep School Orchestra Day. This event brought together talented young musicians from across the country, and I’m proud to report that BCS set the bar high, demonstrating both musical mastery and team spirit. A huge well done to our musicians. The children didn’t just play alongside their peers—they learned from other talented individuals and came away inspired and energised.
And speaking of inspiration, today our Assistant Head of Learning and Teaching, Mr. Brown launched our House Poetry Competition. With his passion for words and knack for bringing poetry to life, he captivated our pupils, making it clear that learning a poem off by heart is about so much more than rote memorisation. As Winston Churchill famously said, “The art of communication is the language of leadership.” Whether it’s remembering facts or building confidence for public speaking, mastering a poem is a skill that will serve our pupils for life.
Finally, a tip of the hat to Birmingham House, who held a fantastic assembly today. Mrs Sommerville and her team put on a show that radiated camaraderie, family, and good spirit. It’s assemblies like these that remind us of the power of community—thank you, Team Birmingham, for setting such a positive example.
As we look ahead, spare a thought for our Year 6 pupils as they navigate the challenging independent exam season. Today, the girls tackled the KEHS exams, with EHS up next week. The boys will be heading to KES this Saturday. To all our Year 6 children: remember, you’re prepared, you’re capable, and you have the whole BCS community cheering you on. Good luck—your hard work will shine through!
Have a wonderful (and hopefully warmer) weekend, everyone!